Sunday, October 6, 2013

Stacking the Shelves #20

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and every week bloggers post about books they’ve added to their bookshelves! This includes books bought through a physical store, online store, eBooks, books borrowed from the library/a friend and gifts.

I've been EXTREMELY busy lately so I haven't had a chance to post a STS in ages. My weekends have either been filled with homework/group work (I'm actually behind in my other subject because of this 1 subject Q_Q), 21sts or concerts (you should ask me about those if you like Kpop *winks*).

Basically I've accumulated well over 30 books in this 6 week period since my last STS so there are A LOT of books. And I've actually already read a few of these because it's been so long LOL

(All books are genres within YA unless otherwise stated)


Not sure how I feel about all those erotica O_O...

Thank you Simon & Schuster Australia and Penguin Australia for these review copies <3


Thanks to Simon & Schuster Australia, HarperCollins Australia, Bloomsbury Australia, Hachette Children's Books Australia and Harlequin Teen Australia for these review copies/ARCs <3


Thanks to Bloomsbury Australia and Mel for these <3


Crash into You (Pushing the Limits, #3) Far From You
 Finding It (Losing It, #3) Unbreathable

Thanks to Harlequin Teen Australia, Disney-Hyperion, Random House UK and Hafsah for these eARCs <3



Not Quite a Husband Killing Sarai (In the Company of Killers, #1)

  • Not Quite a Husband by Sherry Thomas (Historical Romance) - I have no idea why I bought this other than I wanted to see her writing style because everybody was talking about The Burning Sky. So why didn't I just buy The Burning Sky? Because I heard she was famous for her romance novels so I wanted to try this out. It was pretty decent O_O She has REALLY good writing 3/5
  • Killing Sarai (In the Company of Killers #1) by J.A. Redmerski (Contemporary/New Adult) - idk I like JA's writing; I loved The Edge of Never by her.

Physical copies


  1. Enjoy all your books! Particularly that one with Earth on its cover ;)

  2. WOW. So many books. When will you find the time to read them all. Come visit me as well.

    Books of Love

  3. O.O So many books!
    Unbreakable: was intense at times but still rather 'meh'
    Antigoddess: getting this soon, interviewing the author soon too >.<
    Split Second: ahhh I can't wait to start this! Reading asap
    SHBH: pretty good! Love the AUS title way more than The Beginning of Everything

    Happy reading, Jaz! <33

  4. That edition of TFiOS is just so... AH it's so beautiful! I'm very glad to see it in your post, though it's just making me want to get it to add to my collection even more!
