Sunday, June 1, 2014

May Wrap Up & Book Haul

I used to do Stacking the Shelves every so often but I've decided to instead do monthly book hauls now as a video with a wrap up post here. I just can't find the time to film bookhauls weekly and I also receive books sporadically - I can go a whole fortnight without receiving any, or like last week, I received about 10 books in the space of 5 days!


Book Haul


Clicking on the links will take you to the Goodreads page.

Thank you!



Tenks Bloomsbury Australia and Harlequin Teen Australia for these galleys <3

Physical Review Copies:

Fanks Allen & Unwin, Bloomsbury Australia, Hachette Australia, Pan Macmillan Australia, Penguin Books Australia and Walker Books Australia for the awesome <3


Yassssss. Time to get reading!


  1. Wow that is a crazy big book haul! So impressed by your reading, how do you have time as well as doing your thesis? Also I really need to talk to you about Heir of Fire, no one I know has read it yet (clearly as its not out). PTAlive? Or TFIOS marathon if your going?

    1. HAHA I'm just behind in everythinggggg. I've been ranting to anybody I could find that's read Heir of Fire! And yes I'll be going to both of those so we can fangirl. You can always pop me an email too c: I answer all my emails

  2. Oh my god, you've basically got yourself a buildable fortress of books haha! I don't know how you have the time to film book hauls, but wonderful job! I'm way too lazy to do one at all haha. I hope you enjoy ALL your books, I would love to steal the books you have doubles of :P <3

    1. Dude omg I have soooooo many books I can't even read them all! I really could build a fortress with all my books O_O
      If you want, you can have Gameboard c:

    2. Dang, that's a book haul!

      I just found your blog and I love your blog's theme/background :) Now following through bloglovin!
      Finley Jayne

    3. Oh thanks I made it myself D: I was gonna change it coz it's only meant to be temporary

    4. Omgomg yaaaay! Thank you Jaz! Can I grab it off you on Sat (just so you dont have to mail it/uni has ended). Reminds me, I'll need to grab your number. I should probably be sending this to you on FB lol

    5. Yup lol check your texts!

  3. YOU GOT HEIR OF FIRE? You lucky duck! So jealous! ;) I hope you enjoy it Jaz! <3

    I can't wait to see what you think of Prisoner of Night and Fog, The Darkest Minds and The Raven Boys as I personally loved them all! :D I've heard nothing but glowing reviews for Searching For Sky and Attachments, so I'll definitely add those to my TBR list if you end up enjoying them! <3

    Thanks for sharing, and, as always, GREAT haul! Happy reading! <3

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. I LOVED HEIR OF FIRE. I finished it in like 2.5 days even though it's 500+ pages O_O so good. I never wanted it to end.
      The Darkest Minds was really good c: very well written! Would recommend. I have heard nothing about Searching for Sky tbh so idk... it was unsolicited so I may or may not read it. Rainbow Rowell is awesome so I can't wait to read Attachments.

  4. WOAH DUDE. Those are some massive stacks of books. I feel like I should now stack up all my ones from May because it will probably be a lot...happy reading :D

    1. Do it! We don't realise it, but our monthly book hauls are really quite impressive :D

  5. Now that is A LOT OF BOOKS! Can't wait to see what you think of 'Prisoner of Night and Fog', it looks really interesting. Enjoy your stack :)

    1. Tis! I can't wait to read it, have heard such amazing things.
      Thanks c:

  6. HEIR OF FIRE. HEIR OF FIRE. HEIR OF FIRE. That is all.....
    P.S. How much did you LOVE it?

    1. There are not enough stars in the universe to communicate my love of HoF!

  7. woah where do you go to find all these books asdl;kjf?
