Friday, December 5, 2014

Aussie YA Bloggers Secret Santa Blog Hop

Thank you to the lovely organisers of the Aussie YA Bloggers Secret Santa! You guys have put a lot of work into this and done a wonderful job (:

This blog hop is for the participants of the Aussie YA Bloggers Secret Santa list to help you find out more about your fellow santas and santees and hopefully find out who your santa is!

Questions - Have you been a good or naughty blogger this year?

1. How are you going with your Goodreads challenge?

2. How many times did you post per week on average? Do you think you’ll post more/less in the future?
Well I tried to post once a week but I had to go on hiatus because I've had thesis all throughout the year and these past few weeks with finals were hectic! I don't know why I started blogging last year when I KNEW life would only be hectic for the next 2 years - full time work + part time uni all of last year and then thesis + overloading this year HAHA. Now I'm finished with uni, definitely post more :D

3. What is your Netgalley ratio?
Oh god... Erm... 42.9% *extremely embarrassed* I WILL REMEDIATE THIS SOON PROMISE.

4. Have you been commenting on other blogs?
NO. REFER TO 2 OMG *sobs*

5. Did you read mostly review books or non-review books this year?
Um... Um... Definitely non-review *sighs*

6. What are your blogging goals for 2015?
At least 1 review a week + other posts D: ? And regular posting haha

7. What is your favourite blogging moment/achievement of 2014?
The Heir of Fire blog tour I helped organise as part of the Maas Thirteen <3

8. Based on your answers above, do you think you’ve been a good or naughty blogger this year?

Leave 3 clues to help your Santee guess who you are!

1. We've met before in real life!
2. Your gift was a November release
3. You expressed postman issues in one of your recent posts D;

Join the Australian YA Bloggers and Readers Goodreads Group today to join in the fun!

Follow the Aussie YA Bloggers Secret Santa blog hop below!


  1. OMG I AM JELLY OF YOU! I am so behind on my GR challenge and it's so frustrating uuuuugh. I legit need to read 2 books a day for the rest of the month to catch up on mine lel. *eye twitch* I am seriously thinking of doing this though, I might die but hey, I need to finish this GR challenge hehe.

  2. HAHAHAHA I died at question number 8. I'm still freaking laughing as I write this omg I h8 u y u do dis 2 meh?! *chokes from laughter* I hope 2015 is much better for you blogging wise! :D

  3. Hahaha oh don't worry, the blogger gods forgive you! I think when you have hardcore study or even work, it's hard to stay committed to a blog and you did pretty well.

  4. I can just IMAGINE how hectic this year must have been for you O_O I SAW THE SIZE OF THAT THESIS. Haha sooo looking forward to uni :P I'm with Joy, though - qu 8 had me cracking up :P

  5. Yay! Congratulations on completing your GR challenge and everything else! With so much uni work to do, it looks as though you still handled blogging rather brilliantly. :)

  6. You did awesomely well considering how absolutely chaotic you've been. Late nights, uni, maintaining a blog and still finding that time to even read? Jaz, you're a mini superchick. Everyone should have bought you a gift! <3

  7. How you manage to do any blogging with such a hectic life is beyond me. And you completed your GR challenge. Sounds like you've done a great job this year. And I love Throne of Glass so it's very exciting you helped with the blog tour.

  8. Ahahah don't worry, Santa will forgive you! Balancing all those things would be absolutely crazy. Kehehehehe, I wonder who my secret santa is. Hehehehe. :3
